return on investment
average donation value
new donors
recurring donors
The problem was
13 Rivers Trust wanted to acquire new donors through social media marketing but didn't have the in-house capacity to do so.
We solved this by
Helping them do just that, acquire new donors by running their Facebook Ads to reach new audiences. We also built out a post-donation email sequence to retain their donors, to get them to donate monthly.
Let's break it down even further
Step 1
We started by creating content for Ramadan campagins. We needed to create content that works on social media, and not just regular advertising.
Step 2
We then created a sick donation page that allowed people to donate really easily with items like multiple payment options.
But mainly we focused on the big bucks, monthly donations.

Step 3
Once we had all the tools needed, it was time to showcase our cause to the world. Below are the ad results we achieved.
Results in numbers
growth of donors base
average recurring donation value
new donors
recurring donors
people saw the ad
Step 4
This is were the real success lies. We understand that true ROI comes from getting the most out of your donors long term.
Below are the long term results we achieved.
Retention in numbers
income from new donors
income from retained donors
retention rate

Less workload. More donations. New donors